On the evening of November 20, a bus carrying 50 passengers between Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) and Cotonou, Benin in West Africa was rear-ended at a T-intersection and pushed into a ravine. Only a tree kept it from falling over completely. Two of the passengers, Benin District Superintendent Moise Toumoudagou and Pastor Norbert, also a Nazarene, joined the other passengers in climbing out of the windows. When they jumped to the ground, local villagers helped them to safety. Unfortunately, the helpers also stole money and travel documents from their pockets. The travelers, who were not injured, finally arrived in Accra, Ghana where they met up with Institut Biblique Nazareen Director Matthew Price. The travelers then made the rest of the journey by taxis from Accra to Cotonou.
--Matthew Price for NCN News-Africa
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